Erik Schmidt
Erik Schmidt



The name Degenesis is back in the title

Sixmorevodka tried a variety of approaches to marketing and distributing the Degenesis tabletop RPG. In the end they weren’t able to generate enough sales to justify the production costs of the RPG publications, so they had to stop creating new RPG material (though they still generously provide free access to all of it in PDF form).

Since then they’ve been hard at work producing minis, testing the rules, and creating amazing art for their upcoming Clan Wars board game. Originally SMV had planned to mount a Kickstarter later this year, but marketing and distribution were obviously on their minds, and they decided it would be better to release later in order to lock in a strong partnership with a heavy hitter in the board game scene.

That’s exactly what they announced yesterday – a deal with CMON, producers of Zombicide, Cthulhu: Death May Die, Arcadia Quest, Rising Sun, Blood Rage, The World of Smog, Marvel United, and other titles. CMON will publish the game, now named Degenesis - Clan Wars, with a crowdfunding campaign coming in the back half of 2024.

Degenesis has long been a transmedia product – from the video trailers, audio transmissions to the website, character generator and interactive online map – but it’s been confined to the relatively small tabletop RPG market. Board games are a much bigger market, and a successful crowdfunded Degenesis - Clan Wars rollout could give the world of Degenesis much greater visibility.

As a Degenesis fan I don’t want to have to wait for Degenesis - Clan Wars, but the RPG has always been a labor of love rather than a profitable venture for Marko. So it absolutely makes sense for SMV to do everything they can to maximize the odds of commercial success with Degenesis - Clan Wars. And as a fan, in the interest of seeing further explorations of the world of Degenesis in the future, I want the same thing.

For the latest info, head to the official Degenesis - Clan Wars Discord.
